
Aramain provides stand alone packages for exploration well testing, clean up and inline testing of producing wells.

Aramain provides stand alone packages for exploration well testing, clean up and inline testing of producing wells. In each case, the well is flowed through portable/temporary facilities while pressure, temperature and flow rate measurements are gathered, along with other data to manage and monitor well performance. In response to our customer’s needs for efficiency and time saving, Aramain has commissioned an expanding fleet of trailer mounted Surface Well Testing and Multi Phase Flow Meter (MPFM) Testing units. These fully integrated packages minimize rig up and rig down time as rig up consists only of connection to the Xmas Tree, deployment of flare and vent lines. Analysis of move times between wells have shown that a time saving of 40% over conventional skid mounted unit is achievable. The 10K well test unit is designed with an even weight distribution across one trailer and consist of the choke manifold, separator, surge tank and control panel. The well control/pressure test pump and tanks on a second trailer, the office and labs on a third trailer and all additional piping and ancillaries on a forth trailer. The multiphase testing units consist of a custom designed trailer with choke manifold(s), ESD Control Panel and the multiphase meter. These units have separate trailers for office, and electrical support systems

Unconventional Tight Gas Wells:

Well Test Solutions Aramain has solutions for flow-back and testing tight gas, proppant fracced wells. We have H2S rated 10K Sand Management Systems capable of up to 5,000 lbs solids per hour, 4 phase separator with integrated cyclonic solids separation system and proppant separation & collection system. |Flush water for SMS is minimised by use of water treatment and recycling process equipment. Flow rates up to 90 MM scf/d and 16,500 bopd can be achieved with this system, custom designed to suit your requirements.