Well Test 3 HSE Performance


It is worth to note that a number of initiatives have also contributed to this excellent recognition. Aramain energy has been certified to ISO 9001 quality standard and OHSAS 18001 international safety standard.

Excellent performance of Well Test 3 HSE performance (17 years LTI free) in high risk area and operations. It is a remarkable success for Aramain Energy Well Test Unit 3 as on 2019 that Petroleum Development Oman Well Engineering Team, once again, recognized WTU-3 for its outstanding 17 years of operation without a Lost Time incident.

This exceptional achievement would not be possible if it were not for a high quality dedicated and hardworking crew and the most specialized equipment which enable Well Test Unit 3 o manage the hazards of H2S gas and operate at 24 hours a day in a challenging harsh desert environment of the Oman oilfield.

It is worth to note that a number of initiatives have also contributed to this excellent recognition. Aramain energy has been certified to ISO 9001 quality standard and OHSAS 18001 international safety standard. This certification clearly demonstrates that with its objective of ensuring safety and quality services. Aramain energy continue to endeavors to implement a wide range of HSE programs including but not limited to advanced safety training programs,  Onsite HSE controls, HSE frequent audits and continual staff development programs.

With everything monitored above, Aramain Well Test unit maintain its reputation of being the longest serving division of Aramain since it started in 2002 and continued to work for PDO in the highly sour fields such as Alnoor, Birba and Harweel in north Oman. Apart from WT3, Aramain Energy is proud of other 9 units with a unique Safety records in well testing services operation for PDO and other Clients