
We also actively embrace a culture of environmental protection in order to preserve the flora, fauna and beauty of the Sultanate of Oman.

Aramain is committed to a policy of environmental awareness and continuous improvement in conjunction with our clients’ existing policies. Our goal is to develop and provide products and services that have no adverse environmental impact, are safe to use and efficient in their consumption of energy and natural resources. We also actively embrace a culture of environmental protection in order to preserve the flora, fauna and beauty of the Sultanate of Oman. This applies to every area where our operations could have potential impact on the environment. Some of the initiatives we have adopted, or in the process of doing so, are listed below.

Air Quality

  • Reduced flaring to meet strict client targets
  • Smokeless burner trials ongoing
  • Introduction of new technology designed to minimize the duration of well flow during testing
  • Incorporation of latest design, high efficiency diesel generators for power generation

Land Management

  • Reclamation and restoration of flare pits to natural condition
  • Waste segregation and recycling policy including strict controls on hazardous waste

Water Management

  • Strict water monitoring policy applied to interior camps
  • Wastewater recycling project under evaluation
  • Preservation and protection policies for natural water resources

Environmental Monitoring

  • All emissions from our process are monitored that include fuel consumed, gas flared, oil flared or trucked CFC emissions and waste disposal quantities