Our CEO Mr. Tariq Al Kasbi attending December 2023 Safety Forum Organized by PDO...
We were honored by the visit of Mr. Kjetil Solbraekke..........
WTU-3 18 years LTI free...
The third championship of Al-Bashaer camel racing...
Intelex Customer Award 2019...
September 09th 2019, Tiber EPF callout has completed 1 Year LTI Free ...
It is a remarkable success for Aramain Energy Well Test Unit 3..........
Start of WI contract on time...
Early production facility(EPF)...
Aramain Energy LLC is pleased to announce that it has been awarded ...........
As part of Aramain contribution to local society and the youth committee.........
Aramain was proud to sponsor the Oman Victory Team in this year’s...........
Aramain Energy have just been awarded a well testing service contract...........